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A Monte Carlo ray tracer for the optical simulation of solar concentrating systems.

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Tonatiuh release 2.2.4 is now available!

In this release some bugs have been solved. The most relevant one is a bugs in ShapeCAD instersection algorithm only visible in some operating systems. In addition, Pillbox distribution function removed from material errors in order to avoid some simulations errors by using this distribution function. Download the latest version at release 2.2.4 section.


The Tonatiuh project aims to create an open source, cutting-edge, accurate, and easy to use Monte Carlo ray tracer for the optical simulation of solar concentrating systems. It intends to advance the state-of-the-art of the simulation tools available for the design and analysis of solar concentrating systems, and to make those tools freely available to anyone interested in using and improving them. Some of the most relevant design goals of Tonatiuh are:


The use of extended Open Inventor files to represent the "scene" (i.e. the solar concentrating system, the sunlight model, etc.) An advance and easy-to-use GUI providing: